Production Capacity and Volume Product (1) Production Capacity Volume (2) Utilization Rate 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022(4) 2020 2021 2022 Petroleum Oil Refinery (KBD) 215 215 215 192 192 175 89% 89% 81% Lube Base Plant 1,282 1,282 1,282 1,094 1,151 988 85% 90% 77% Lube Base Oil 320 320 320 336 333 281 105% 104% 88% Asphalt 600 600 600 606 655 551 101% 109% 92% Petrochemicals Polyolefins 915 915 915 811 863 735 89% 94% 80% - HDPE 140 140 140 117 119 98 83% 85% 70% - PP 775 775 775 683 729 624 88% 94% 81% Polystyrenics 433 433 433 395 408 321 91% 94% 74% - ABS 119 119 119 86 89 68 72% 75% 58% - SAN 105 105 105 93 102 68 88% 97% 65% - PS 125 125 125 155 148 126 124% 118% 101% - EPS 48 48 48 35 42 35 73% 88% 73% Olefins (3) 696 696 696 682 664 647 98% 95% 93% - Ethylene 433 433 433 354 347 345 82% 80% 80% - Propylene 732 732 732 662 701 595 90% 96% 81% - Butadiene 56 56 56 56 52 52 100% 93% 92% Aromatics 501 501 501 493 514 460 98% 103% 92% - Benzene 114 114 114 105 113 79 92% 99% 69% - Toluene 132 132 132 144 141 123 109% 107% 93% - Mixed Xylene 121 121 121 141 146 121 116% 120% 100% Styrenics 260 260 260 283 263 244 109% 101% 94% Notes: (1) Total production capacity and volume of products consist of main products and other products. (2) Volume includes products used as feedstock in the plants. (3) Olefins production capacity at 696 KTA does not include olefins from DDC and RDCC plants. (4) In 2022, approximately 37 days of turnaround--scheduled large-scale maintenance activity. (Unit: KTA) 56-1 One Report 2022 66 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED