IRPC One Report 2022 EN

Notable Eco-efficiency Achievements IRPC prioritized efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental impact in 2022, undertaking projects to mitigate impact on the environment, consisting of energy efficiency, air quality and odor management, water resource management, wastewater management, waste management, and complaint resolution projects, to ensure the company's stable and sustainable growth. In 2022, IRPC received the Thailand Energy Awards 2022 Outstanding Award for Creative Energy: Ethylene Plant, which produces Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene, ACB, UT, PRP, and various units in Ethylene Plant (ETP), which produces Ethylene (C2H4) gas through break down molecules, a process that uses high power according to SEU assessment, so the units decided to think about how to maximize energy use to produce more products that led to the idea to increase production output using cracking furnace on standby and use the digital system to help process and verify to achieve the most efficient energy use. The award was presented by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Ministry of Energy. Examples of important projects or activities Energy Consumption Efficiency • ADU2 Oil line cleaning of Heat exchangers 41E013A/B and 41E024A/B ADU2 of IRPC Oil refinery helps promoting energy efficiency by cleaning both heat exchangers No.41E013A/B and 41E024A/B in oil line. ADU2 discovered the efficiency of heat transfer of Heat Exchanger deteriorate. This degraded heat exchanger performance stems from fouling or aging deposits on surfaces of heat exchanger. Heat exchanger is designed to transfer heat to crude oil before flowing into a fractionating column. Deposits weaken a heat exchanger’s heat-transfer capacity and extra fuel for furnace requires to keep compensate for gaps in the target temperature. Then, ADU2 disassembled and cleaned both heat exchangers No.41E013A/B and 41E024A/B. As a result, the temperature of crude oil from preheated furnace increased by 10 ํC which can save heat energy by 10,002,176 Megajoules per year. On the other hand, ADU2 can save fuel cost by 39 million baht per year and reduce Greenhouse gas emissions of 640 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2eq). In 2022, 22 Energy Conservation Projects reduced Energy use by 176,935.63 gigajoules, Gross expenses by 67.94 million baht, Greenhouse gas emissions by 11,323.88 tCO2eq Save heat energy 10,002,176 MJ/year Save fuel costs 39 million baht/year Reduce GHG gas emissions 640 tCO2eq 153 Business-Driven Sustainability IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED