Human Resource Management IRPC believes that an organization’s growth depends on the quality of its personnel. Therefore, the company has made it a policy to constantly improve and modernize the management and human resource development to correspond with fast-changing technology in line with the internationally accepted standards as well as to foster desirable behaviors among its employees to strive to be GOOD (good with responsibility), GREAT (great sense of business acumen) and GROWTH to success (freethinking, accountability leading to success): G3, and to make employees the main driving force to transform IRPC into a High Performance Organization. In 2022, IRPC redoubled its efforts to improve human resource management to develop effective workforce and prepare them to take on this important role that will propel the organization forward on a pathway towards stable and sustainable growth as well as to raise IRPC’s competitive edge to the next level ready to take on competitors in the same industry sector, domestic or international. Materiality Assessment Good human Resource Management and the creation of new corporate values are key contributing factors to ensure IRPC’s strategy will lead to the fulfillment of its vision and goals. The human resource strategy consists of 3 components as follows: People Readiness Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP), a systematic analytical process for workforce planning in line with all business strategies to ensure that the company has at its disposal appropriately skilled personnel well attuned to existing and future business plans. Talent Pool Human resource development to get employees ready to support the company’s strategies and business plan include: 2022: Succession Plan N-1/N-2 & N-3 2023: Succession Plan N-4 & Review : Succession Plan N-1/N-2 & N-3 2024: Complete Succession Plan for all levels below N-4 1.2 Expert Pool: Create a pool of specialists that are crucial for the fulfillment of the company’s vision with the following annual goals: 1.3 Create and develop Young Leaders pool & development program) to support growth and new businesses. Initially, 10 young leaders will be created each year for a period of 3 consecutive years. 2022: Pilot Model in some areas of expertise 2023: Expand the scope of work units that need to create Specialists 1.1 Create a management pool and to develop their readiness to succeed retiring executives in strategic positions, such as Line positions and executives in strategic positions whom IRPC assigns to assume positions under secondment in accordance with IRPC Group way of conduct with the following annual goals: 136 56-1 One Report 2022 IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED