IRPC One Report 2022 EN

2022 Human Rights Model Organization Award IRPC received the 2022 Model Organization for Human Rights Award from the Minister of Justice at the annual event organized by the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection, Ministry of Justice, to encourage public and private sector organizations, state enterprises and businesses of all sizes to apply human rights principles as an integral part of their management and operations at all levels. This is to ensure people respect one another’s human rights and to prevent human rights violations against any personnel, customers, or consumers in order to reduce risks of violation or complaints arising from human rights violations. For more information on Complaint Handling Process, please go to Complaint Handling Process IRPC has set guidelines for creation of complaint channels and efficient complaint handling process, including assigning a person to take responsibility for handling complaints as well as notifying the complainants of the decisions made to resolve their grievances. REMEDY Postal Office: PO Box 35, Sun Tower Building Postal Office, Bangkok 10900 E-mail: Mail: Chairman of the Audit Committee IRPC Public Company Limited 555/2 Energy Complex, Building B,Floor 6th, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Whistleblowing and Complaint Channels In 2022, IRPC received no complaints on human rights violations. 135 Business-Driven Sustainability IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED